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The Benefits of Aromatherapy

aromatherapy system

Feeling stressed, achy or having trouble sleeping? The secret to finding natural relief may lie in the power of scent. Aromatherapy, the therapeutic use of essential oils, has been shown to provide a wide range of mental and physical benefits.

Whether you want to unwind after a long day or improve your sleep quality, incorporating aromatherapy into your bathing routine can be a simple yet effective way to feel better.

Dive into the science behind aromatherapy and how to create a therapeutic, spa-like experience at home.

What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the ancient practice of using natural oils extracted from plants to improve mental and physical well-being. When you smell essential oils, their aromatic molecules stimulate the olfactory system in your brain, triggering the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that influence your mood, cognition and physiological state.

Different scents trigger different therapeutic benefits, allowing you to craft personalized aromatherapy experiences for your unique physical and emotional needs.

Lavender to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can feel like an inescapable part of modern life, but they don’t have to be. A few minutes of mindful aromatherapy could reset your nervous system. Just a few deep breaths of lavender and peppermint can help you let go of the day’s worries and enter a state of deep relaxation.

Aromatherapy benefits extend beyond reducing stress in the moment. Emerging research shows regular use of calming essential oils like bergamot and lavender can help alleviate anxiety, depression and other mental health symptoms over time. Their uplifting aromas target the limbic system—the emotional control center of your brain—and help boost your mood.

lavender essential oil bottle

Bergamot to Reduce Pain

Incorporating aromatherapy into your daily bathing routine can provide a natural way to manage chronic pain. According to the Arthritis Foundation, scents like bergamot and lavender may soothe achy joints without relying on medications or invasive treatments.

Jasmine to Regulate Sleep

Restless nights can leave you feeling drained the next day and even take a toll on your long-term health if untreated. Fortunately, aromatherapy can help you get the restorative sleep your body craves.

The Sleep Foundation found that essential oils like jasmine, rose and sandalwood have a calming, sedative effect, helping to regulate sleep cycles and induce a deeper, restful slumber.

Add aromatherapy to your nightly bathing routine to signal your brain that it’s time to unwind and fall asleep faster.

woman relaxing in a soaker tub

Rosemary to Improve Memory

As we age, our memory and focus may start to decline. However, a recent study reported that nightly use of essential oils like rosemary, peppermint and lemon can boost cognitive function and verbal memory in some older adults. This suggests aromatherapy may be a natural way to support healthy brain function and prevent age-related memory loss.

Bring Aromatherapy Into Your Bathing Experience

Aromatherapy can be a wonderful complement to your bathing routine, nurturing your mind, body and soul. With a Safe Step Walk-In Tub, you can easily diffuse essential oils throughout the tub with our aromatherapy system and experience the therapeutic effects with every soak. Combine the aromatic benefits of essential oils with the soothing colored lights of chromotherapy to create a multi-sensory experience that further promotes natural healing and relaxation.

Ready to build a mindful self-care routine? Explore more research-proven healing benefits of a walk-in tub or request a free in-home quote below to start your safe, comfortable bathing journey.

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