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Home Blog When Is the Right Time to Install a Walk-In Bathtub or Shower?

When Is the Right Time to Install a Walk-In Bathtub or Shower?

walk-in tub with door

Making changes to the bathroom to accommodate the need for increased safety makes sense no matter what your age or medical situation. If you’re not sure whether your household needs a walk-in shower read on to learn when the best time is to install one in your home.

When You’re Ready to Age Gracefully

The smart adult plans for the possibility that they may need to modify the bathroom for comfort as they get older. The best time to adjust is before you need them. Switching over to a walk-in shower and bath is one of the smartest things you can do to be ready as you age. Not only are they made of high-quality materials, but they look beautiful. You won’t exchange safety for aesthetics.

During Bathroom Renovation

Renovating a bathroom is another way to prepare your home for the day when you’re concerned about comfort and safety. If you’re remodeling simply because you want to modernize or change décor, you can easily add one of the new walk-in shower units without interfering with your new style. These units are modern with clean lines. They fit into any bathroom space and can usually be customized to your taste.

New Home Construction

Many retirees build new homes. They design kitchens and bathrooms to accommodate current and future mobility concerns. Any bathroom design can include a walk-in shower seat. This isn’t just for safety. A popular home design trend includes bathrooms with walk-in shower units rather than full bathtubs. For people looking ahead to the time when they might not want to risk falling in the tub, a walk-in shower is an excellent option. Why wait when you can have one custom designed to fit your taste? Including a walk-in shower in the new home design saves you money and inconvenience. You won’t need to make another change in a few years when you may start experiencing stiff joints or other signs of aging.

When Elderly Family Members Move In

If you have aging parents or other family members who plan to share your home, it’s always thoughtful to create a safe area where they can bathe without worrying about falls. Installing a walk-in bath allows your loved one to feel safe. Giving a person the ability to care for themselves helps with self-esteem.

Address Your Own Mobility Concerns

People of all ages can experience pain in their joints. Aging is one cause, but sports injuries, arthritis, and bursitis are a few reasons joints hurt. A walk-in shower is appreciated by anyone who has acute or chronic pain. These innovative showers are designed for people who prefer to not climb over the sides of a bathtub. They’re made for anyone who needs a little extra stability in the bathroom.

There are multiple reasons why installing a walk-in bathtub is the smart thing to do. Installing a walk-in shower before you need it is the best time. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Company has a shower model for every need. Visit their site and explore their many Made in the USA options.

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